University District Stories

University District Stories

a project of HSTAA 208


This city block is located in the University District near the University of Washington campus. You can find this block between Adams Ln. NE, Cowlitz Rd. NE, Brooklyn Ave NE, and NE Pacific St. As someone discovering this block for the first time, you’ll discover the how the University of Washington utilizes this land. This space currently serves as housing for University students, but has an ever evolving future to serve as different University utilities as University needs change throughout the years.. Looking back, this block is young and has a short history of activity. Activity and major changes to the land only started taking place after 1850, and has evolved this land into a concrete jungle that resides there today. However small this piece of time is, it speaks largely of how our University District community interacted and interacts internally. Within this site report you’ll discover how the University District influenced my city block, and how my city block influenced the University District.
