University District Stories

University District Stories

a project of HSTAA 208

Site Report 1

Block 39 Pictures

This is a picture of the Lander Dorm. It is located toward the north end of my block and many students go in and out of it. It was taken by Nick Willingham on January 17th, 2017.

Block 39 Pictures

This is a picture of the Burke Gillman Trail. People are constantly going by on their bikes or running. This photo was taken by Nick Willingham on January 17th, 2017.

Block 39 Pictures

This is the new police station. Not sure entirely when it was put in but I'm sure I will find out for my next site report. This picture was taken by Nick Willingham on January 17th, 2017.

Block 39 Map

This the my outline for my block. I added most of the big things that I noticed when I was walking around. This map was created by Nick Willingham on Jnauary 19th, 2017.

Site Report #1: The Deep Read

            The block that I was assigned was block 39, which is located between Brooklyn Avenue Northeast and University Avenue Northeast as well as Lincoln Way and Northeast Pacific Street. I had previously been in this area of the University District, so it was very interesting to see and observe the small details of this block. When I first visited about a year ago, I was not looking as in depth as I was this time. What I first noticed when visiting this time around was the amount of people that crowded this area and how the south end of the block is part of the Burke Gillman trail. There were many bikers and runners flying through that area and I had not noticed that the trail connected to this area of the U-District. There has also been a police department that has recently been built in this block as well. It seems to be heavily secured and has very modern architecture attached to it. I noticed a few police officers going in and out of its parking lot, so this area is well watched by the policemen. When I was walking around I could smell a lot of different things because there are many cafes and bakeries that are located here. They seem to be getting good business because of the amount of people that I spotted in this area. Furthermore, there are a few more buildings found in this block such as Gould Hall, which must be very convenient for any students living in the Lander Dorms and also the Purchasing and Accounting Building. Most of the buildings except for a few seem to be revolved around student life. Most of the people that I saw had backpacks and were holding a cup of coffee from some of the shops near by. This area is very student friendly. As I walked around I also noticed a lot of ivy near the sidewalks and there were a lot of cracks in the streets, which shows that there hasn’t been much maintenance done in this area. However, the Burke Gillman trail was very green and it looked beautiful from what I could see. The entire area of the block seemed to be occupied by students and they mainly used the area to get food and many of theme use this block as a means for living. I belive this has changed over the years, because the developers have started to cater more towards students over the years. As I continue to do some research I wonder how much this area has changed in recent years? The dorm looks new, so I wonder if there was any other living spaces in this area in years past? Also I wonder if any people besides student have lived here in the past and what the places they lived in looked like? I’m sure as I move on to the next site report I will be able to find some of these things out. Overall, I really enjoyed my time in this area and I look forward to learning more about it in weeks to come!


Site Report 1