University District Stories

University District Stories

a project of HSTAA 208


In conclusion, throughout the quarter and throughout all of the assignments, I have gained a better understanding of the University District. Many details and historical events have shaped the development of Seattle and of the University District specifically. Though the area once consisted of nothing but dirt, the purchases of many people such as Emerson and Christian Brownfield helped shape the area we now call U District. Understanding the small details such as the smells and sounds of my exhibit as well as the bigger environmental impacts is important to understanding why Block 45 is the way it is today. Throughout various visits, conversations with the businesses, reading UniverCity by Roy Nielsen and focusing on future development plans, I have come to an understanding of how vital the history of an area is. My biggest take away from this course and from these assignments are to pay close attention. Notice the small details such as cracks on the road, peculiar smells and the location of businesses. Pay attention to the signs on the road and the people that reside in that area because every little crack, fence and street sign has within it a bit of history and a story about the land.


UniverCity-Special Collections

Neilsen, Roy. "UniverCity, The Story of the University District in Seattle" University Lions Foundation. 1986. Web. Feb 12. 
