University District Stories

University District Stories

a project of HSTAA 208


I hadn’t given the history of the University District much thought before this class. Upon researching my exhibit, I started to connect the dots and understand why the area had developed in this specific way. While first getting acquainted with my area during Site Report #1: The Deep Read, I noticed distinct things about my block that I would later be researching. The two main structures that caught my eye were going to be vital in the understanding of the development in my exhibit. I noticed small details such as décor throughout the streets as well as surrounding businesses and retail shops. Looking back, I can now pin point why some of the structures are the way they are, something I was not able to do during this specific assignment because I did not know the history of Block 45.

Prior to this course, I also did not understand the evolution of the development of an area due to the residents need. As the U District continued to flourish, it became essential to modify the community upon the request of their needs. Before understanding the history of my block, it was easy seeing a new sign or building and thinking nothing of it but some "cool new improvement", putting aside all of the true reasons why the block was being modified in the first place, in other words there was nothing contributing to my understanding of the area before all of the Site Reports. Throughout the quarter, I have gained understanding into the reasons behind all of the changes and modifications made in the U district, allowing me to better understand the history of the community as a whole, and block 45 specifically. 
