University District Stories

University District Stories

a project of HSTAA 208


Welcome to block 48, the center of the University District. Located along the busiest streets of the U District, block 48 houses multiple thriving businesses. Driving past this block, it may seem insignificant. You will soon learn that this block holds valuable history for the city of Seattle. For the U District to become the city it is today from slopes of forestry, many transformations had to be made. It all started when pioneer David Denny founded Seattle, kicking out the Native American Duwamish tribe (Dorpat). The establishment of the University of Washington was suggested by governor Isaac Stevens (Wiki), which is now one of the top schools in the nation. The city around the school has its own history. Throughout time, transportation methods have changed from railroad to street cars. Environmental history also tells us the changes in landscape from green forestry to paved roads and tall buildings. The city has changed drastically through centuries and it is still continuing to change. In four site reports, I will be explaining the past, present, and future of block 48, so following along.
