University District Stories

University District Stories

a project of HSTAA 208

site report 4

Today the U district is the hub for students and residents, its neighborhood being centrally located to many events over the decades. In recent times it has fallen from grace a bit. Many areas show decay and unkempt areas. On the Ave, the main road of the U district, many of the old businesses have left and have been replaced by numerous fast food joints. These have been known to have a fairly high turnover rate. This adds to both the struggles and quirky charm of the U district. It has always been home to small business and up and comers, and still holds true to that today. Today, the U district is beginning a new chapter in a revival program that could completely change the face of the area.

A vote to allow up zoning in the U district and the creation of the link light rail system has made way for the redevelopment and possible gentrification of the area which could bring more money and people but also displace the past generation. Many studies have been done to see what would be the best option and have come to several conclusions. While the U district is a major hub for UW students, it is also home to a large number of full time residents who all will be affected by this new zoning law. Landowners and retail owners have been found to be the most likely to profit due to the new influx of construction involving condos which would bring in a larger population. Many who opposed it saw it as a potential loss to what the community is today and could force many of them out of their homes and places of work due to the need for space. Many of the current residents are retired and these people look to be the most affected by the move. Many are also worried about the possible damage/removal of historic buildings in the area that showcase the past and history of the region. Places like the Wells Fargo bank location on the corner of University way and 45th Ave have been there since the early years of the Ave and the U district.             

With the passing of the up zoning, landowners are set to profit and it is only a matter of time before the U district begins to change and mold into the next version of itself. The future looks to see the growth of the population as well as a possible growth and change in the Ave. While it may bring in more revenue to owners and businesses, the influx of people set it in a precarious place that could shatter the current environment and style that the U district holds. It’s a home to small business and quirky people, but how long before they are replaced with modern convenience and major corporations looking to profit off of the growing region. 


project summary:

Overall this project has shown the growth and development of the area of U district. In this block specifically, I learned about the creation of the building that is currently occupied by the Wells Fargo bank. It was one of the original buildings in the area and really helped start what was to become the U district. Its growth and development corresponded with the population growth and the spread of the university. As the population expanded, the Ave began to become the main center point of commerce and business. Places like nordstrom and the bank were key points that fueled the local economy. This area also played a role in the growth of Seattle and the influx of people migrating to this area of the country. Over time, more and more people moved away from the city and into the local suburbs surrounding it. Finally, as the years have passed and the U district has changed and grown, the Ave has always been the main center of business and the bank location being one of its key points. 

site report 4