University District Stories

University District Stories

a project of HSTAA 208


Overall this gallery of site reports and explorations of Block 51 have created an overall deep microhistory of the area. The culmination of these four site reports covered content from the surface level appearance of the block, to the environmental histories of the area, to the comprehensive development of the block over time, to the final discussion of the block’s projection for the future. Over the course of this research I have discovered that it is thus important to thus take away three major ideas. The first being we can use an area’s past to determine what we want out of in the future, as well as how we view it for the future. The second being, every place has a deep and extensive history no matter how small the scale. And finally, as seen in site report four, the driving factor of development and changes in a city, unfortunately, may not always be contextualized by the past. 
