University District Stories

University District Stories

a project of HSTAA 208


This collection of site reports is a deep microhistorical exploration of Block 51 located in Seattle’s University District between the east west streets of NE 47th Street and NE 50th Street and between the north souths streets of 7th Ave NE and 9th Ave NE. The block itself is primarily residential with small single family occupancy homes but also distinguishes itself with its public park on the corner of 9th and 50th.  The following reports will detail the history of the residential block and also discuss the past of its public park, University Playground. These reports will be segmented into four primary focuses: The deep read, The environmental history, the audio tour and finally the past and future u district. The culmination of these four reports should in totality discuss the blocks extended history both in terms of human development and environmental features while also outlining how these histories have shaped the current state of the block and what these histories mean for its future. 
