Jan 17, 2006
Contest by Jennifer Glass

Me in front of

The winner of the rift zone naming contest was
"Juana Ridge"
named after "Mad Joan," the only heiress of Ferdinand and Isabela (after whom the islands of Fernandina and Isabella are named).
Runner's Up:
- Pacha Mama Rift (Incan word for Mother Earth) submitted by Eduardo, Galapagos Nat'l Park
- Blue-footed Tortoise Rift - submitted by Alexandra, 5th grade Michael T Simmons Elementary, Tumwater, WA
- Rickety Rift submitted by Ashley, 5th grade Michael T Simmons Elementary, Tumwater, WA
All winning entries will receive Oceanography t-shirts
Hello. My name is Jennifer Glass, and I’m a UW senior and double major in Earth and Space Sciences and Oceanography. I need your help naming the rift zone I am studying.
We need to name this rift “NWFRZ” is boring! We’re having a contest onboard the ship to generate the best name we’d like to name it something related to Galapagos geology or biology. Please help us!!! Send submissions by Jan 20 (Friday) mid-day to jglass@thompson.ocean.washington.edu.
After we have a name and I’m back in
, the data processing begins. Giorgio de la Torre (back in
) and I will both be poring over the bathymetry, backscatter (a measure of the type of substrate, lava or sediment) and magnetometer data and we’ll try to learn as much as possible about this rift. Please visit my web-site (http://students.washington.edu/jglass) to see how I’m progressing.