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January 16th

Log Entry by Trina Litchendorf

Today I spent about 7 hours straight analyzing my smaples on only about 3hours sleep, (I am having a little trouble adjusting to the 12 midnight to 4 am watch).  So I don't have much to report today because I was so focused on my work. Today Wes is doing his tow-yo operations.  He is looking for hydrothermal vents along the NW Fernandina Rift using the CTD to move up and down (like a yo-yo) along the rift about 200 m from the bottom.  He is using the sensors on the CTD to look for changes in temperature, density, salinity and transmissivity for evidence of underwater hydrothemal activity. Wes has promised that he will write a little more about what he is doing in a few days, so check back here for that and pictures too.

University of Washington School of Oceanography - All Rights Reserved 2006 - Last updated Wednesday, January 25, 2006