UW Tacoma, Spring 2009  
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San Juan Island



In order to completely test for the concentrations of dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll, genus of plankton, and sediment sampling, more efficient studies should be done over a longer time period.  It would be ideal if samples were taken daily in all weather types over the span of one year.  Better laboratory equipment and techniques could also be used for further testing.  Human error also has an affect on how lab testing is done and carried out.  Lack of experience with use of the equipment could have affected test results.  Nutrient analysis from each station would have been another good indicator in plankton health and further sampling would be ideal to test for this.  It would also be interesting to see different concentrations in other areas around San Juan Island and not just limited to the 4 stations tested.

  Friday Harbor Lab

Friday Harbor Laboratories, University of Washington (Click on Picture to Enlarge)




Extracting Sediments

Van Veen used for extracting sediment sample

Sediment Extraction

Sediments extracted from Station 1


A closer look at sediments