"Soulcatcher" by Martin Oliver


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EPI 538 / NUTR 538 

Fall Quarter  2012

Nutritional Epidemiology

Short Research Proposal

Points Possible: 45 (including presentation)

Students will be required to write a short research proposal for an epidemiological study on a topic of their choice related to diet and disease risk. Students are advised to choose a study which has the classical epidemiological elements of exposure, outcome and defined population, although methodological studies in nutritional epidemiology may also be considered. The proposed study could be an observational study or an intervention study, although other types of epidemiological study, including ecological studies could be proposed, provided it is appropriate for the topic. The study could involve any dietary assessment methods (including metabolic parameters).

The choice of topic should be approved by the course director prior to developing the topic. Sign-up sheets will be circulated.  The deadline to have the topic approved is November 29th. The proposal is due by 11:00 a.m. December 4th.  The proposal should be typed, should not exceed 6 double-spaced pages (not including bibliography) and should contain the following sections:

Background and rationale (7 points): Why is this topic important? Give brief background, critically evaluating existing knowledge and specifically identifying the gaps this proposal is intended to fill. Reference at least 3 articles, but not more than 8. 1½ pages maximum.

Objectives (4 points): State clearly the research question. ½ page maximum.

Methods (29 points): State choice of epidemiological study design. Give reasons for choice, justifying it with reference to the research question to be addressed and logistical issues. Specify the process of selection of study participants, and include eligibility criteria. Without providing sample size calculations, estimate the order of magnitude of the number of study subjects required (e.g. 20, 100, several hundred, several thousand, etc.). Specify nutritional indices or dietary factors of interest and methods you propose using to measure them. Justify these choices and discuss their validity. Specify additional variables to be measured and give reasons. What major issues should be considered in the analysis? (Details about specific statistical tests are not required).

On December 4th and 6th in class you will be required to briefly present, using slides, your topic of interest to the rest of the class.

5 points will be assessed from the quality of your presentation. You will be allowed approximately 10 minutes for the presentation with approximately 4 minutes for discussion/questions.  Please be prepared to ask questions and critique the topics of others.





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Contact the instructor at 543-9512: or by e-mail