University District Stories

University District Stories

a project of HSTAA 208

Introduction to Block 23

If you’re anything like me you’ve sat through a fair share of history classes, taking in the facts but not applying the information to a setting that you can relate to. This exhibit, however, is a result of extensive historical research conducted in a setting that was relatable to my own experiences, between University Way NE and NE Brooklyn Ave, and NE 42nd and NE 41st street. Therefore, it made for a historical lesson that was memorable in my stream of learning.


I think the most important aspect to keep in mind when flipping through my site reports is the fact that communities don’t simply appear. This sounds like an obvious fact, but have you ever pondered the beginnings of the University District in a way that makes you question the historic, social, and economic events that took place in order for the community to become what it is currently?


Welcome to my block. It has grown from a desolate, empty landscape to a budding retail space with community oriented events and protests, to a place thriving with retail activity, pedestrian foot traffic, and University student oriented design.

Introduction to Block 23