University District Stories

University District Stories

a project of HSTAA 208


My block is a portal into what the University District is becoming. As my site has developed, its features have been shaped by the needs and desires of the community. After completing this project, I’ve begun to realize that blocks like mine often mirror the cultural changes of a neighborhood. As the UW has become more endowed and has attracted students with disposable income, the area has become gentrified. The students at the UW demand nicer facilities, and recreation that improves the quality of life. My block holds the most expensive housing option offered by the UW, and has ultramodern architecture. It also has features such as the UW farm and the Burke-Gilman trail. 

I’ve also learned that often a block can reflect the status of a city particularly the amount of money it has. As Seattle has become a center for tech, and South Lake Union has become a mecca for cold, upscale apartments, the University District has adapted to this style. The UW and the U District are trying to become part of this trend of creating mid-rise apartment complexes to fit the new style of a tech-influenced city. 
