University District Stories

University District Stories

a project of HSTAA 208


View from the Docks

A view from the nearby docks.

The University District, to me, feels like a growing neighborhood. Not only because of the college students that inhabit it, but because of the incongruous textures and styles throughout its many different blocks. Each block shows a different era, some of which have come and gone. At the southern tip is a neighborhood of modern mid-rise apartment buildings. My block is among these, and currently is home to a large apartment dorm complex. The entire block has been covered in new development, and the past has been hidden away by fresh concrete. But, before this area was home to apartments, there was railroad construction equipment, a sloping waterfront, and little shacks. As the district has changed the University Bridge built, the Yukon Exposition completed, and the UW expanded my block has changed too. As I have explored the history of my site, I have been able to learn more about how the needs of the community are manifested in the changes of my site. Each change, such as the creation of a running trail or the re-zoning of the area for larger buildings, is intentional to suit the needs of students and residents of the neighborhood. As you explore my site, notice how the development of my site reflects the changes of Seattle, which can often be generalized to all cities.