University District Stories

University District Stories

a project of HSTAA 208

Conclusion to Block 59

Block 59, deeply immersed in one of the most innovative, ever-changing locations, is one of the most interesting blocks in the University District. First off, Block 59 is unique due to its half residential, half commercial atmosphere. This has had many implications including a close walk to all of the action (University Way) back when the U-District was still being developed. Secondly, although the rezoning of the U-District is a hot topic right now, Block 59 will likely remained un-touched for a few years to come. With 7 single family homes on one side as well as thriving businesses on the other, the City of Seattle has decided to leave in alone, for now. Thirdly, this doesn’t mean Block 59 will remain un-touched, this just means for the time being, construction will not take place on the block. Block 59 has played a pivotal role in the immense growth of the University District, and will continue to play this role for years to come.

Conclusion to Block 59