University District Stories

University District Stories

a project of HSTAA 208

Site Report 3: The Audio Tour

University District Topographical Map

A topographical map of the University District (Seattle, WA) in 1894. City of Seattle, Bureau of Land Management.

Welcome back to Block 59, one of the many blocks in the University District (Seattle, WA). First, we will talk about changes to Block 59 over the years, and why they happened. Early on, it was hard for new settlers to make it over the many hills to what is now the University District, the trek was difficult and the journey was long. As transportation methods became advanced, such as the railroad, people were able to spread out away from the city, thus the University District was born. In the map of 1894, which encompasses the University District, you can see the lack of infrastructure and non-existent Block 59. As you scroll down you will see a map from 1911 which shows immense growth in the area of the University District, Block 59 is now there. This growth included residential housing and commercial growth on Block 59. This fast moving growth can be attributed to the relocation of the University of Washington as well as the Railroad line (now Burke Gilman Trail) that runs through the University District. Trolleys also played a role in the rapid growth of the University district and the birth of Block 59.

            To move on, Block 59 is situated on University Way, this was the HUB for Northward movement from where the State University was now located. Activities such as the University Way Street fair and farmers markets began shaping the way the University District ran. Block 59 had mostly commercial upbringings but it has also featured residential growth over the decades. Block 59 is close to University Way so most of the people living on Block 59 were presumably close to where they work, as well as close to where activities (such as street fairs) were held. Commercial growth and activities shaped my blocks development and rapid growth, which continues to have an effect on it today.

Block 59 Audio Recording done by the author.

Block 59 Baist's Real Estate

Map of Block 59 with multiple buldings located on it. University District (Seattle, WA). Made in 1908 by Baist's Real Estate. University of Washington Special Collections, map collection.

University District Topographical map 1911

A topographical map of the University District (Seattle, WA) in 1911. George Otis Smith, A. H. Thompson, US Geological Survey.

Aerial view of Block 59

Aerial view of block 59 during the year 2016. Google Maps, Google Inc.

U-District Railroad

Description of how the University District grew through the early ages of Trasportation by Walt Crowley.

Activities in U-District

Description of the various activities that took place in the University District by Walt Crowley.

University District Street Fair

Still image of the University Way Street Fair in 1999. University District (Seattle,WA). Photograph by Priscilla Long.

University Way railline

Still image of the University Way Railroad tracks. University District (Seattle, WA). Taken in 1920. 

Seattle Municipal Railway, Photograph Collection.

Zoning map 1900

Zoning map of the University District (Block 59 at the head of the red arrow). Made in 1900 by Seattle Engineering Department. Seattle Municipal Archives Map Index.

Site Report 3: The Audio Tour