University District Stories

University District Stories

a project of HSTAA 208

Introduction to Block 59

The University District has been considered a thriving sub-section of Seattle since the late 1890’s and early 1900’s. This thriving area consists of a University, Shopping center (U-Village), as well as a diverse street known as University way or the “Ave”. From the University of Washington, down Campus Parkway, and up University Way you’ll find Block 59. This Block is located on University Way and Brooklynn Avenue, between 55th and 56th street and is two-sided story. As we will find out later, Block 59 isn’t your typical residential or commercial street, it’s actually both! Located on the commercial University Way and the residential Brooklynn Avenue, this block was key to the growth of the University District and continues to be to this day.

Introduction to Block 59