
Welcome to block 72 of the University District!

Understanding the urban development in Seattle is critical in not only knowing the historic value and significance of the land, but to understand how its spread influenced and was influenced by societal norms and ideals and how these trends will affect the future environment. Through this exhibit you will learn about this block’s history and about the changes that it will face in the future. When you are following through each site report, you should be inspired by the first report in which you notice and observe elements of your environment that you wouldn’t normally notice and to ask questions about why things are the way they are.

By the end of this gallery, you should have some exposure to critical thinking when it comes to the urban history of block 72 and be able to exercise some critical thinking yourself when it comes to not just my block, but anywhere you go! Consider the age of buildings, the layouts of street, the colors used, and the businesses available.

There is so much you can explore!
