PHYS 224, Autumn 2008
Thermal Physics


Midterm 1 and Midterm 2 are each 25% of the course grade while the final is 50%. (See the syllabus page for more details.) Exams are closed book, no notes and no calculators! Here's why!

Midterm 1 - Monday Oct 27, 9.30-10.25 am, A110

Actual exam with and without solutions

Old exams: 2007 exam with and without solutions.  Also, here are a couple of old exams that are not really appropriate for the current syllabus but give a flavor of my exams: MT2 2003 MT2 2002  In those exams I allowed students to bring in a single page of notes.

Midterm 2 - Monday November 17, 9.30-10.25 am, A110

Actual exam with and without solutions

2007 exam with and without solutions

Final - Wednesday December 10, 8.25-10.25 am, A110

Actual exam with and without solutions

2007 exam with and without solutions

Last modified: 12/18/2008 9:23 AM