Site report 3

There is only one building in the block of Between Pasadena Pl. and 7th Ave. NE, and NE 40th St. and NE Northlake Pl. which is Benjamin Hall Interdisciplinary Research Building. Prior to 1850, there was probably the marshland, and by the time of 1949, we can see from the photo that there was a bungalow in that area, the building was much smaller than which is today. From the picture of 1949, we can see there wasn’t a way on the western side. And the PASADENA PL did not exist around period of 1940s-1950s. But nowadays, there is a relatively new research building- R&T Bldg, the Southern side and the Western side’s tree got cut, probably because the building need more exits, or as the old building destroyed and rebuilt a new large building, it’s necessary to create more exits from the center of the R&T Bldg. It’s probably the one time cut for creating the convenient exits. The building is the center for process analysis and control. So, people come here to do experiments and labs. According to the website “CPAC is a center under the auspice of the Applied Physics Laboratory”, and “research laboratories are found throughout the University of Washington and in partnering universities throughout the world. Tours and additional information of CPAC laboratories can be arranged through the principal investigator.” (CPAC-UW). Since the building is related to Applied Physics department. It should have some students and teachers come here, probably among them will include some experts and graduate students who participated in the programs of CPAC. The construction project completed in April 2006 changed the block to a research place for the Applied Physics department.( The policy to build the laboratory building is the largest event to affect the block. Through the establishing the building, more people come to the block, and especially for those scientists and experimenters.




Site report 3