University District Stories

University District Stories

a project of HSTAA 208

Site Report 1

Sea Grant

Washington Sea Grant program buildings.

Agua Verde

Agua Verde Cafe and Paddle Club on Boat St.

Portage bar garage

Portage Bay Garage


Hand drawn map of my block 

This block has many academic buildings and a parking garage/lot. The buildings are fisheries research building, a huge portage bay garage, two Sea Grant program buildings, about one small housing looking building-not sure exactly what it is, the Agua Verde Café and paddle club, the ocean research building, and a mini parking lot. The purposes of the parking garage is to provide parking for faculty and staff, the Sea Grant building is for marine studies students, the ocean and fisheries buildings are a place that provides resources for the students in the program. On one side of Boat St. there is a body of water with small and medium sized boats parked on shore. The Agua Verde Café serves food and drinks but is also a place to rent kayaks. The streets that my block consists of are busy streets such as 15th Ave and Pacific St. that many buses drive through. On this block I would have expected for there to be more apartment buildings, I think this would be a good location for them. This was my first time discovering this block and at first I thought it would have been full of apartments not program buildings because this block is far from main campus, I would have expected the fisheries, ocean, and sea grant research buildings to be located closer to or on main campus. For good data I need to research what used to occupy the land before these research buildings and parking garage. Throughout my visit to this block I noticed the portage bay garage looks newly remodeled, what was there before and how new is it? Why are these buildings located far on this side of campus that people don’t get to really see? Why is this block occupied mostly with so much parking space? 
Site Report 1