University District Stories

University District Stories

a project of HSTAA 208

Site report 4

U District Park Plan

Park Plan

Brooklyn Ave

Brooklyn Ave plan

Today the buildings on my block are strictly for the purpose of industrial and commercial uses, majority of the buildings are for research. None of the buildings are for residential uses on my block anymore but upper Brooklyn has many residential buildings. Some of the plans to be done on Brooklyn are to keep the uphill and downhill bike lanes, to connect the waterfront of Portage Bay to the Burke Gilman trail, and to “preserve and protect” the few trees located around Brooklyn Ave, most of them are on NE Pacific St and NE campus parkway. Most of these plans have been implemented already. Better access for transportation is another plan for the future, by connecting the light rail to upper Brooklyn Ave people should be able to reach their destinations within a 10 minute walk, this plan has not yet been implemented it will be done in 2021. These plans contrast from the historical usage of the block because the main reasons for the buildings on the block are for student’s research resources and parking, these plans don’t correlate with the purposes of the buildings.

 The history of my block remains the same today and I believe it will remain the same in the future, these buildings are beneficial to students, staff and faculty. A student centered U District will provide as many resources as possible to students, like affordable housing, educational help, health services, etc. 

Site report 4