Author Archives: Abner Pagunuran

Community Action and It’s Lesson on Collective Action

In ENVIR 385, I was tasked with working on an action project that would represent a response to the course topic of politics and the global food system. Our group decided that we wanted our action to center around the intersection between domestic food and agriculture and immigration. So, we chose a two prong approach to spread awareness about the… Read more »

The Consumers We’re Raisin

Sometimes, it’s easy to forget both where your food comes from and how it gets to your table. Our contemplative activities are moments when we get to stop for a moment and actually focus on food and the way we view it, consume it, and create it. The first contemplative practice we did in class was the raisin activity. When… Read more »

What are we doing? What to believe? Where to start?

Michael Pollan introduces the concept of “nutritionalism,” in his book In Defense of Food. Nutritionalism is the ideology of placing value on the individual nutrients of food vs. focusing on the food themselves. This modern wave of thinking has allowed the populous to be more nutritionally conscious, but also opened a can of new concerns. When we think about food… Read more »