Food is just about everywhere. Or should I say “food” is just about everywhere? Healthy, authentic food is hard to come by now. Due to mass industrialization and production of food and/or food products, the definition of food has been loosely thrown around. Small-scale, independent farming eventually became large-scale farming to provide for the general public. In the beginning, we… Read more »
How can the thought of a raisin be thought-provoking? Experiencing my first, true contemplative practice, I assumed the intention of the activity would be silly or farfetched. Without any actual context, all the students in the lecture put the raisin in their mouths. Throughout the contemplative practice, I could completely centralize my thinking to the topic of the raisin. The… Read more »
What is food? Is food something made with purely natural ingredients? Can it just be a product with nutritional qualities? The sole definition of “food,” has drastically evolved throughout the recent years due to industrialization. Michael Pollan argues that the mass production of these fake food-like products ultimately damages the American food industry, hoping that we “avoid food products that… Read more »