!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN"> Biostat 580B - Statistical Genetics Seminar

Biostat 580B - Statistical Genetics Seminar

Instructor: Ellen Wijsman
Instructor: Elizabeth Thompson

1 credit

Autumn Quarter 2001
Seminar: Tuesday 4:00-5:00, in F643 HSB (biostatistics conference room)

Reminder: Everyone should read the papers. If the paper is not available electronically, the discussion leaders should make 2 copies, and should put one copy in each of the stat mailbox and the biostat 580B homework folder, preferably a week ahead of time. The stat mailbox is in the mail room in statistics; the biostat homework folder is in the top left drawer underneath the biostat mailboxes in a folder to the far left as you face the mailboxes. Everybody else should make a copy from the copy left in the stat mailbox, or the purple biostat 580B homework folder under the biostat mailboxes. (If the paper is available electronically, copies can be made from the electronic links.) Discussion leaders are only expected to spend 20-30 minutes (jointly) presenting the assigned paper(s). If you don't understand everything, focus on what you can, and try to think about what is important about the papers, and what open questions you are left with. MAKE SURE YOU LEAVE ADEQUATE TIME FOR DISCUSSION.

Remember the important questions:

Why? What? Why? How? Why? What next? and WHY?

For a link to the list of suggested topics collected Oct. 2, 2001, click here. It appears that a good pair of "themes" for the fall is (1) haplotype/disequlibrium issues, and (2) complex trait gene mapping.

For a link to the list of suggested topics collected Sept. 26, 2000 click here.

For a list of papers considered in Spring 2001 click here.

Many articles can be obtained electronically. Journals with electronic issues can be accessed through the healthlinks web site.

Autumn 2001 SCHEDULE

Oct. 2: Presentation of posters accepted for the ASHG meeting. All individuals with a poster should bring a draft poster for comments & discussion. Posters that I know of are Solly's, Andrew's, Nicky's & France's. We will also set up a schedule for the quarter.

Oct. 9: Paul Scheet, Kerry Bubb: Topic is SNPs and haplotypes. The paper to read is Clark (1990) "Inference of haplotypes from PCR-amplified samples of diploid populations" Mol Biol Evol 7:111-122.
For a pdf file of the paper, click here.

Oct. 16: Zheng Zhang, Lixuan Qin: Topic is introduction to affected sib pair linkage analysis. The chapter to read is: M. Knapp (1997) "The affected sib pair method for linkage analysis" in Genetic mapping of disease genes (eds. I-H Pawlowitzki, JH Edwards, EA Thompson), pp 147-157.

Oct. 23: Solly Sieberts, Jia Yin (Angel) Wan: Akey et al. (2001) "The effect that genotyping errors have on the robustness of common Linkage-Disequilibrium measures" American journal of human genetics 68:1447-1456.
You can either retrieve this from the journal directly through the healthlinks web site, or you can take the .pdf file that is here.

Oct. 30: Amy Anderson, Bryan Shepherd: Rannala B and Reeve JP (2001) "High-Resolution multipoint linkage-disequilibrium mapping in the context of a human genome sequence" Am J Hum Genet 69:159-178. (you can retrieve a copy from the healthlinks web site, listed above)

Nov. 6: Bill Stewart, Jackie Starr will present research summaries. There is a paper related to Jackie's work: Weinberg et al. (1998) A Log-Linear Model for Case-Parent Triads. Am J Hum Genet 62:969-978, which you can retrieve from the healthlinks site, above.

Nov. 13: Saonli Basu, Garrett Hellenthal: A Whittemore and J Halpern (1994) "A class of tests for linkage using affected pedigree members" Biometrics 50:118-127. You may need to make copies from the paper in the statgen folder in biostat, or the mailbox in stat. I am not sure one can get electronic files from this far back.

Nov. 20: Kyriacos Markianos, Peter Mork: Markianos K, Daly MJ, Kruglyak L (2001) Efficient Multipoint Linkage Analysis through Reduction of Inheritance Space. Am J Hum Genet 68:963-77. You can retrieve this paper through the healthlinks site, above.

Nov. 27: Oliver Will: Chen, Feng-Chi and Wen-Hsiung Li. (2001) Genomic divergences between humans and other homonoids and the effective population size of the common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees. Am. J. Hum. Genet. 68:444-456. You can get a copy of the paper from: here

Dec. 5: Michael Li, Joe Rothstein: Daly MJ, Rioux JD, Schaffner SF, Hudson TJ, and Lander ES (2001) "High-resolution haplotype structure in the human genome." Nature Genetics 29:229-232. You can get a copy of this paper from the Healthlinks site, above.

Dec. 11: Elisabeth Rosenthal, Dongmei Yu: N Risch (1984) "Segregation Analysis Incorporating Linkage Markers. I. Single-Locus Models with an Application to Type I Diabetes." Am J Hum Genet 36:363-386. You will need to make a copy of the paper from the copy in the statgen folder/mailbox

For a link to other seminars of related interest, click here.

Previous Quarters

1997: Winter, Spring, Fall
1998: Winter, Spring, Fall
1999: Winter, Spring , Fall
2000: Winter, Spring, Fall
2001: Winter, Spring,

http://courses.washington.edu/b580b Last updated: Nov. 27, 2001.

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