Hunger In America

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For our Group Action Project, my group focused on interacting with the organization (FareStart) to get resources that would support to achieve our goal of spreading awareness. My group members kept trying to contact them to receive their answer, but we realize that communication between individuals and corporation is not secure as much as we expected. We as students recognized while doing this Action Project, there is limited to access to the organizations as students, and as students who lack capital, it is hard to contribute to global change. As we all know, the gap between rich and poor has been increasing, and in economically and politically, rich is more raising their voice and expressing discontent. In other words, poor, who is weak in society and has not enough money to keep their lives, seems to be unable to show their condition. Also, they tend to escape from reality not focus on finding effective solution method. After transferring to UW from Bellevue College, this group project was my first experience and regularly meeting every Monday was impressive for me to encourage to finish this course. And, I was so excited that group members were discussing the same topic, sharing each other’s thoughts based on lessons from the lecture, running to the same goal. We sometimes faced an idea of difficulty but our group overcame an ordeal wisely, and each other demonstrates our alternate ability. Even if eight weeks we were given in doing this project were not enough to reach a goal, I believe that these small attempts will effect on global change, furthermore sharing ideas about world hunger, discussing on poverty, collecting public opinion that may boost for our society to be better. Lastly, I found an interesting is that the FareStart had received over $1 million in donations from Amazon because I was always curious regarding the organization how they run their business and how to manage to keep their corporation without profit.

Here is linked that Amazon helps FareStarts

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