Author Archives: Bunjinjargal Bayasgalan

Social Change Starts at the Individual Level

Whew! Spring quarter is finally coming to an end and I could not have asked for a better ending to my quarter with finishing our group action projects. My action project group decided to focus on the political ecology of the mass livestock farming and meat production and focus on the negative impacts it has on our environment. Over the… Read more »

Contemplative Practices: Systems As a Whole

Rarely in college classes do students get to sit down for a few minutes and absorb the materials that they learn in lecture. We sit through an hour or two of lecture and immediately leave when the bell rings without thinking about the impacts that the learning materials have on us as individuals. In a class that explores the environmental,… Read more »

Changing the Way We Look Food

In todays globalized and diverse world, the concept of “diet” and types of diets have become an obsession that we humans stress and contemplate over. As a result of the public’s demand for “healthier” options for foods, the ideology of nutritionisism has become a tool for the food industry to make more profits and come out with new findings that… Read more »