Author Archives: Orla Triona Casey

Mo Better Foods

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In the area of West Oakland there is currently only one grocery store for thirty thousand people. Instead of relying on a supermarket to obtain fresh produce the majority of people obtain food from corner stores, liquor stores, and fast food chains. Due to the lack of food readily available for its citizens, West Oakland is considered a food desert…. Read more »

Impacts of Contemplative Chocolate

One of the classes contemplative practice that impacted me the most was the contemplative practice around chocolate. In America when we think of chocolate we think of a sweet smooth snack. However, the original cocoa nib is extremely bitter, and has a gritty texture. While tasting the cocoa nib for the first time, Professor Liftin played a video about the… Read more »

Telling Me To Eat Heathy is Great. Now How Do I Afford It?

In Julie Guthman’s article The Food Police, Guthman critiques Michael Pollan and other nutritionists for establishing a discourse that fat shames obese people and blames obese people for being obese. Indeed, Pollan does not recognize the complexity of the obesity epidemic. Many people would love to eat natural produce, but do not have the finances to achieve this. However, Guthman… Read more »