The final road system design involves taking the data you collected in the field, and applying it to the preliminary road design. Using ROADENG, the data collected from gradelining and traversing is transformed into a detailed road plan (see chapter 17 from 1999 Hoodsport Project report – hard copy only, not available online). The UW transportation GIS cover is updated to reflect the changes made in the field.

Excerpt from FE Handbook:

Digitizing Proposed Roads -- At this point, you have road information gathered in handwritten notes, from the Criterion, and from GPS. This data all has to be brought together in one Arc/Info cover. If you were successful at converting the GPS data into Arc/Info format, it should be simple to combine these separate roads into one cover. Handwritten and Criterion data should be entered into PC Traverse. These roads can be printed onto paper and digitized by hand into the new road cover. Along with the roads, additional landings or alternative landings can be run through plans to fill in gaps in the setting coverage.

For detailed information on the use of ROADENG, see the FE Handbook, Appendix K – Using ROADENG (

Back to Outline

Office: Mar. 25 - Apr. 13 Field: Apr. 16 - May 11
Office: May 14 - June 7

Overhead (meetings)

Field Work

Final Setting Design
Preliminary Planning   Final Road Design
First Day at Pack Forest   Final Alt. Harvest Sys. Analysis
Office Setup   Final Timber Modeling

Project Management Start-up

  Cost Analysis
Data Collection   Report
Basemaps   Final Maps
Production Equations   Presentation
Watershed Analysis   Presentation to DNR
Preliminary Timber Modeling   Project Mgmt Data Compilation

Preliminary Setting Design


Report Due

Prelim. Alt. Harvest Sys. Analysis    
Preliminary Road Design    

Preliminary Report Work

Field Preparation    
Field Maps