Project management is an important part of the FE 450 experience. It allows us the opportunity to better allocate our resources and helps make the project feel more like the "real world" rather than "just school." Project management start-up includes creating an overview of the project (using Microsoft Project) and preparing a system for keeping track of the use of our time. This system will include, as a minimum, a daily record of the tasks each person was involved in, and the amount of time spent on each task. The Excel spreadsheet system implemented by the 2000 capstone class will be used as a model. This can be found on the Burnt Mountain Project CD at project_management/docs/timeaccount.xls. Project management start-up should be completed within the first few days at Pack Forest, if not before. The 2001 project management time accounting spreadsheet is located at highlead/fe/pack_forest/pack_2001/project_management/timeaccount.xls.