Excerpt from FE Handbook:

The Report -- If you haven't started the report by now, you better start moving on it. There are many things to include in the report starting from the very first week. Any documents, letters, and reports you obtain from the company you are working for need to be included in the report. You will also include various maps, road and setting proposals, cost analysis reports, field recon reports, SNAP analysis results, and anything else you can get your hands on.

The report takes a lot of time from every project member. All of the work you’ve done up to this point means nothing if it isn’t communicated well. The report, along with the final maps, are the means of passing on the information you’ve accumulated and created to the people who will use it. The detail and accuracy of the report plays a large role for the client in determining whether the project was worthwhile or not. So, this is not something to slack on.

The report will include a final recommendation. In addition, it will include the data, methods, and a discussion of the thoughts that brought you to this recommendation. All of this information will be split into sections such as timber modeling, road design, etc. The report will include many relevant tables and figures to help the reader understand what is being said. Creating figures and tables may take more time than the actual writing. But, if done properly, they may also provide the reader with more information.

For examples of previous years’ reports, visit the FE 450 web site and click on past projects.

Back to Outline

Office: Mar. 25 - Apr. 13 Field: Apr. 16 - May 11
Office: May 14 - June 7

Overhead (meetings)

Field Work

Final Setting Design
Preliminary Planning   Final Road Design
First Day at Pack Forest   Final Alt. Harvest Sys. Analysis
Office Setup   Final Timber Modeling

Project Management Start-up

  Cost Analysis
Data Collection   Report
Basemaps   Final Maps
Production Equations   Presentation
Watershed Analysis   Presentation to DNR
Preliminary Timber Modeling   Project Mgmt Data Compilation

Preliminary Setting Design


Report Due

Prelim. Alt. Harvest Sys. Analysis    
Preliminary Road Design    

Preliminary Report Work

Field Preparation    
Field Maps