Overhead includes all those functions that are required to make the office run smoothly. This includes checking on office supplies, taking phone messages, picking up the mail, working out details with Pack Forest and ONRC staff, upkeeping the web board, and picking up the coffee in the morning. Most of these tasks will be taken care of by the Daily Coordinator (DC). The DC will rotate on a day to day schedule. Each student will have several opportunities to perform the DC duties throughout the course of the quarter.
An important function of the DC is to make sure we are working together in the most efficient manner possible. A large portion of this task includes running the morning meeting and adding to the daily log. Every morning at Pack Forest begins with a meeting of all members of the FE 450 class. The individual tasks of the project are tied very closely to one another, and these meetings are essential in order to keep our design team headed in the same direction. The DC will facilitate the discussion, which will include a check-in by each team member about what they did yesterday, and their plan of attack for today. In addition, these meetings serve as an opportunity for each member of the class to grasp the overall picture of the project.
There will also be occasional meetings to explain concepts that are not familiar to the class and there will be meetings with DNR employees from time to time.