The Meat Up

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This group project was definitely a roller coaster just as others have probably said but through out the experience I feel that I learned quite a lot. Our group focused on why sustainable farming and a reductionist take on meat should be used to end industrial farming for good. We had some setbacks through out this journey and I think it really taught us how to come together as a team in order to get things done. We wanted to do a panel with guest speakers and a documentary screening but there were some complications that led us to plan B. Our plan B was to screen the documentary Cowspiracy and then ask/answer questions from the audience.

We gained a lot of information regarding industrial meat production and we were shocked to see how much of a negative impact it has on us. The industrial production of meat pollutes our air, requires a lot of water consumption,  and also has a lot of shady political secrets. To produce 1 lb of meat it takes 2500 gallons of water which is more damaging than leaky faucets. Industrial meat plants also have thousands of live stock that produce feces, but what a lot of big environmental websites do not tell you is that the feces contains nitrous oxide. And this is the leading cause of pollution and not fossil fuels which is what the websites tend to usually say. Many people do not know this because these meat companies pay off big environmental organizations to keep quiet about the harm that erupts from meat production. This leads me to our solution which is that we must reduce our consumption of meat rather than ending it completely because that is very unrealistic. We must also switch to sustainable farming because it will allow us to produce less meat which will diminish pollution and our overall water consumption.

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