Storm Clouds Gathering: Action Project.

Storm Clouds Gathering: Action Project.

Addressing the issue of storm water was a great topic for me and my group. Growing up in South Africa water has always been a crucial resource and one that had to be conserved, not taken for granted. Moving to study in the Pacific Northwest i had never seen so much fresh water in my life but to learn that even this region has water issues was quite surprising.
Statistics from the Washington Dept. of Ecology show that stormwater runoff is the largest source of pollution in the puget sound. This has a massive impact on shellfish production in the Puget Sound and can impact one of Washington’s major industries, this a good example of systems theory in the food system as one effect can have a cascading impact throughout the system.
My group Action Project was in the form of an educational booth in the main square o the University with the goal to show students what is happening and give easy tips on how to help solve the issue. My group got along well and there was enthusiasm from all. We were able to draw from all of our skill sets to get out action project dome.
As a whole the action project taught be about an important issue, giving me the skills and experience to work in a small group and organize a project from start to finish showing me the importance of teamwork and community.



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