Author Archives: Emily Halvorson

Starting Conversations About Food Deserts With DumDums

Group projects are typically a source of anxiety and apathy in the minds of college students. However, the idea that our group project had the potential to make an impact on the students at UW, the community in Seattle, and discuss the political implications of a global problem was enough. We faced a series of roadblocks, yet we were able… Read more »

An Academic Contemplative Practice Convert

I came into the class about hunger, having followed Professor Litfin’s suggestion of not eating breakfast, absolutely starving – or what I qualify starving to be. I’m a person who eats four small meals a day, perfectly spaced out as to never feel hungry, to avoid what people privileged as me refer to as “hanger”. Before this contemplative practice, I… Read more »

The Privilege of Individualism

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Collective action is the way to achieve any change whether socially, economically, politically, environmentally, locally, or globally. We understand this when it comes to climate change, or political regimes. So why do we not believe the same to be true about food? One person growing their own food sustainably won’t change industrial food system. I had believed that by being… Read more »