The action group project this quarter has been a whole new experience for me in my four years of attending a university. When we first began to pick topics I found myself interested in doing something with food. When the topic of food waste came up I knew that that topic was something I wanted to focus on. For our… Read more »
Before taking this class I had never heard of a contemplative practice. I didn’t know what it was or what to expect. When we did the first practice I did not find it to be helpful in enhancing my relationship to the course material, but when we did the chocolate contemplative practice it completely changed my point of view. In… Read more »
Recently due to the advancements in technology it has become more common to hear on the news or read articles about GMOs and other food modifications. This kind of food industrialization is not something new. According to Michael Pollan’s novel, In Defense of Food, food modification has been occurring for many centuries. In our society modifying foods has become the… Read more »