Author Archives: Kevin Shih

Water: The Essence of Life

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Water is literally the essence of life. It is the most important substance on earth for us humans as our body needs the nourishment to function. Despite such importance, we rarely pay attention to it until our body starts to show signs of dehydration—the feeling of thirst.  The intake of water is essential on a regular basis, but we usually take… Read more »

Focusing on what we take for granted.

In class Professor Litfin committed several days over the past few weeks to contemplative practices— ex. the raisins and the chocolates. Contemplation is something we don’t really think about nowadays in our society. This chance Professor Litfin provided in class was actually something that really spoke out to me. These processed food products are everywhere and are easy to find…. Read more »

Blog post 1: Fix the problem?

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Looking on the lectures and the readings for the past two weeks, some of the most intriguing things for me would be the roots of our modern world system and the ongoing food related problems we are facing now. Personally, for me, colonialism has a negative connotation. The reason for this is because in many modern-day movies, colonialists were always… Read more »