Ione Fine
Phone: (206) 685-6157
Office: Kincaid 541
Email: ionefine "at" uw.edu
CV: IoneFine_CV.pdfGraduate Students
Jasmine Awad, Viashnavi Mohan, Tristram Savage-Pinte
Brian Allen, Michael Beyeler, Andrew Bock, Rebecca Esquenazi, Libby Huber, Fang Jiang, Kimberly Meier, WoonJu Park, Alicia Shen, Jessica Thomas, Jason Webster, Ezgi Yucel
Park W.J. and Fine I. (2024). A unified model for cross-modal plasticity and skill acquisition. Front Neurosci, 18, 1334283. | Reprint 296KB pdf |
Thompson B., Das V.E. and Fine I. (2024). Editorial: Insights in visual neuroscience: 2023. Front Neurosci, 18, 1396011. | Reprint 80KB pdf |
Fine I. and Boynton G.M. (2024). A virtual patient simulation modeling the neural and perceptual effects of human visual cortical stimulation, from pulse trains to percepts. Sci Rep, 14(1), 17400. | Reprint 8.90MB pdf |
Klauke S., Sondocie C. and Fine I. (2023). The impact of low vision on social function: The potential importance of lost visual social cues. J Optom, 16(1), 3/11/2024. | Reprint 801KB pdf |
Fine I. and Park W.J. (2023). Do you hear what I see? How do early blind individuals experience object motion?. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci, 378(1869), 20210460. | Reprint 1.40MB pdf |
Park W.J. and Fine I. (2023). The perception of auditory motion in sighted and early blind individuals. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 120(49), e2310156120. | Reprint 788KB pdf |
Meier K., Tarczy-Hornoch K., Boynton G.M. and Fine I. (2023). Characterizing amblyopic perception under non-rivalrous viewing conditions. Sci Rep, 13(1), 7993. | Reprint 2.69MB pdf |
Yucel E.I., Sadeghi R., Kartha A., Montezuma S.R., Dagnelie G., Rokem A., Boynton G.M., Fine I. and Beyeler M. (2022). Factors affecting two-point discrimination in Argus II patients. Front Neurosci, 16, 901337. | Reprint 4.15MB pdf |
Esquenazi R.B., Meier K., Beyeler M., Boynton G.M. and Fine I. (2021). Learning to see again: Perceptual learning of simulated abnormal on- off-cell population responses in sighted individuals. J Vis, 21(13), 10. | Reprint 5.58MB pdf |
Park W.J. and Fine I. (2020). New insights into cortical development and plasticity: from molecules to behavior. Curr Opin Physiol, 16, 50-60.
Andelin A.K., Olavarria J.F., Fine I., Taber E.N., Schwartz D., Kroenke C.D. and Stevens A.A. (2019). The Effect of Onset Age of Visual Deprivation on Visual Cortex Surface Area Across-Species. Cereb Cortex, 29(10), 4321-4333.
Beyeler M., Boynton G.M., Fine I. and Rokem A. (2019). Model-Based Recommendations for Optimal Surgical Placement of Epiretinal Implants. Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv, 11768, 394-402. | Reprint 983KB pdf |
Huber E., Chang K., Alvarez I., Hundle A., Bridge H. and Fine I. (2019). Early Blindness Shapes Cortical Representations of Auditory Frequency within Auditory Cortex. J Neurosci, 39(26), 5143-5152. | Reprint 4.56MB pdf |
Huber E., Jiang F. and Fine I. (2019). Responses in area hMT+ reflect tuning for both auditory frequency and motion after blindness early in life. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 116(20), 10081-10086. | Reprint 2.39MB pdf |
Beyeler M., Nanduri D., Weiland J.D., Rokem A., Boynton G.M. and Fine I. (2019). A model of ganglion axon pathways accounts for percepts elicited by retinal implants. Sci Rep, 9(1), 9199. | Reprint 7.12MB pdf |
Shen Y.A., Shoda Y. and Fine I. (2018). Too few women authors on research papers in leading journals. Nature, 555(7695), 165. | Reprint 74KB pdf |
Fine I. and Park J.M. (2018). Blindness and Human Brain Plasticity. Annu Rev Vis Sci, 4, 337-356. | Reprint 2.41MB pdf |
Andelin A.K., Olavarria J.F., Fine I., Taber E.N., Schwartz D., Kroenke C.D. and Stevens A.A. (2018). The Effect of Onset Age of Visual Deprivation on Visual Cortex Surface Area Across-Species. Cereb Cortex, . | Reprint 780KB pdf |
Chang K.H., Thomas J.M., Boynton G.M. and Fine I. (2017). Reconstructing Tone Sequences from Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Blood-Oxygen Level Dependent Responses within Human Primary Auditory Cortex. Frontiers in Psychology, 8(1983). | Reprint 2.02MB pdf |
Beyeler M., Rokem A., Boynton G. and Fine I. (2017). Learning to see again: biological constraints on cortical plasticity and the implications for sight restoration technologies. J Neural Eng, . | Reprint 1.82MB pdf |
Rokem A., Takemura H., Bock A.S., Scherf K.S., Behrmann M., Wandell B.A., Fine I., Bridge H. and Pestilli F. (2017). The visual white matter: The application of diffusion MRI and fiber tractography to vision science. J Vis, 17(2), 4. | Reprint 937KB pdf |
Jiang F., Stecker G.C., Boynton G.M. and Fine I. (2016). Early Blindness Results in Developmental Plasticity for Auditory Motion Processing within Auditory and Occipital Cortex. Front Hum Neurosci, 10, 324. | Reprint 2.20MB pdf |
Thomas J.M., Huber E., Stecker G.C., Boynton G.M., Saenz M. and Fine I. (2015). Population receptive field estimates of human auditory cortex. Neuroimage, 105, 428-39. | Reprint 2.10MB pdf |
Jiang F., Beauchamp M.S. and Fine I. (2015). Re-examining overlap between tactile and visual motion responses within hMT+ and STS. Neuroimage, 119, 187-96. | Reprint 1.56MB pdf |
Huber E., Webster J.M., Brewer A.A., MacLeod D.I., Wandell B.A., Boynton G.M., Wade A.R. and Fine I. (2015). A lack of experience-dependent plasticity after more than a decade of recovered sight. Psychol Sci, 26(4), 393-401. | Reprint 867KB pdf |
Fine I., Cepko C.L. and Landy M.S. (2015). Vision research special issue: Sight restoration: Prosthetics, optogenetics and gene therapy. Vision Res, 111, 115-23. | Reprint 2.41MB pdf |
Fine I. and Boynton G.M. (2015). Pulse trains to percepts: the challenge of creating a perceptually intelligible world with sight recovery technologies. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci, 370(1677), 20140208. | Reprint 1.21MB pdf |
Coullon G.S., Jiang F., Fine I., Watkins K.E. and Bridge H. (2015). Subcortical functional reorganization due to early blindness. J Neurophysiol, 113(7), 2889-99. | Reprint 1.70MB pdf |
Coullon G.S., Emir U.E., Fine I., Watkins K.E. and Bridge H. (2015). Neurochemical changes in the pericalcarine cortex in congenital blindness attributable to bilateral anophthalmia. J Neurophysiol, 114(3), 1725-33. | Reprint 642KB pdf |
Bock A.S., Binda P., Benson N.C., Bridge H., Watkins K.E. and Fine I. (2015). Resting-State Retinotopic Organization in the Absence of Retinal Input and Visual Experience. J Neurosci, 35(36), 12366-82. | Reprint 4.29MB pdf |
Jiang F., Stecker G.C. and Fine I. (2014). Auditory motion processing after early blindness. J Vis, 14(13), 4. | Reprint 436KB pdf |
Bock A.S. and Fine I. (2014). Anatomical and functional plasticity in early blind individuals and the mixture of experts architecture. Front Hum Neurosci, 8, 971. | Reprint 1.24MB pdf |
Weaver K.E., Richards T.L., Saenz M., Petropoulos H. and Fine I. (2013). Neurochemical changes within human early blind occipital cortex. Neuroscience, 252, 222-33. | Reprint 759KB pdf |
Sikl R., Simeccek M., Porubanova-Norquist M., Bezdicek O., Kremlacek J., Stodulka P., Fine I. and Ostrovsky Y. (2013). Vision after 53 years of blindness. Iperception, 4(8), 498-507. | Reprint 1.98MB pdf |
Jiang F., Stecker G.C. and Fine I. (2013). Functional localization of the auditory thalamus in individual human subjects. Neuroimage, 78, 295-304. | Reprint 1.20MB pdf |
Bock A.S., Saenz M., Tungaraza R., Boynton G.M., Bridge H. and Fine I. (2013). Visual callosal topography in the absence of retinal input. Neuroimage, 81, 325-34. | Reprint 984KB pdf |
Binda P., Thomas J.M., Boynton G.M. and Fine I. (2013). Minimizing biases in estimating the reorganization of human visual areas with BOLD retinotopic mapping. J Vis, 13(7), 13. | Reprint 887KB pdf |
Nanduri D., Fine I., Horsager A., Boynton G.M., Humayun M.S., Greenberg R.J. and Weiland J.D. (2012). Frequency and amplitude modulation have different effects on the percepts elicited by retinal stimulation. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 53(1), 205-14. | Reprint 1.47MB pdf |
Horsager A., Boynton G.M., Greenberg R.J. and Fine I. (2011). Temporal interactions during paired-electrode stimulation in two retinal prosthesis subjects. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 52(1), 549-57. | Reprint 860KB pdf |
Saenz M. and Fine I. (2010). Topographic organization of V1 projections through the corpus callosum in humans. Neuroimage, 52, 1224-9. | Reprint 862KB pdf |
Lewis L.B., Saenz M. and Fine I. (2010). Mechanisms of cross-modal plasticity in early-blind subjects. J Neurophysiol, 104(6), 2995-3008. | Reprint 1.74MB pdf |
Horsager A., Greenberg R.J. and Fine I. (2010). Spatiotemporal interactions in retinal prosthesis subjects. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 51(2), 1223-33. | Reprint 662KB pdf |
Horsager A., Greenwald S.H., Weiland J.D., Humayun M.S., Greenberg R.J., McMahon M.J., Boynton G.M. and Fine I. (2009). Predicting visual sensitivity in retinal prosthesis patients. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 50(4), 1483-91. | Reprint 460KB pdf |
Greenwald S.H., Horsager A., Humayun M.S., Greenberg R.J., McMahon M.J. and Fine I. (2009). Brightness as a function of current amplitude in human retinal electrical stimulation. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 50(11), 5017-25. | Reprint 1.82MB pdf |
Saenz M., Lewis L.B., Huth A.G., Fine I. and Koch C. (2008). Visual Motion Area MT+/V5 Responds to Auditory Motion in Human Sight-Recovery Subjects. J Neurosci, 28(20), 5141-8. | Reprint 340KB pdf |
Ng M., Boynton G.M. and Fine I. (2008). Face adaptation does not improve performance on search or discrimination tasks. J Vis, 8(1), 1 1-20. | Reprint 2.34MB pdf |
de Balthasar C., Patel S., Roy A., Freda R., Greenwald S., Horsager A., Mahadevappa M., Yanai D., McMahon M.J., Humayun M.S., Greenberg R.J., Weiland J.D. and Fine I. (2008). Factors affecting perceptual thresholds in epiretinal prostheses. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 49(6), 2303-14. | Reprint 1.32MB pdf |
Yanai D., Weiland J.D., Mahadevappa M., Greenberg R.J., Fine I. and Humayun M.S. (2007). Visual performance using a retinal prosthesis in three subjects with retinitis pigmentosa. Am J Ophthalmol, 143(5), 820-827. | Reprint 756KB pdf |
Ng M., Ciaramitaro V.M., Anstis S., Boynton G.M. and Fine I. (2006). Selectivity for the configural cues that identify the gender, ethnicity, and identity of faces in human cortex. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 103, 19552-7. | Reprint 299KB pdf |
Dobkins K.R., Lewis L.B. and Fine I. (2006). Integration of one- and two-dimensional motion signals in infants: evidence from the barber-pole illusion. Vision Res, 46(20), 3360-72. | Reprint 270KB pdf |
Mahadevappa M., Weiland J.D., Yanai D., Fine I., Greenberg R.J. and Humayun M.S. (2005). Perceptual thresholds and electrode impedance in three retinal prosthesis subjects. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng, 13(2), 201-6. | Reprint 812KB pdf |
Fine I., Finney E.M., Boynton G.M. and Dobkins K.R. (2005). Comparing the effects of auditory deprivation and sign language within the auditory and visual cortex. J Cogn Neurosci, 17(10), 1621-37. | Reprint 1.04MB pdf |
Buracas G.T., Fine I. and Boynton G.M. (2005). The relationship between task performance and functional magnetic resonance imaging response. J Neurosci, 25(12), 3023-31. | Reprint 365KB pdf |
Fine I., Anderson C.M., Boynton G.M. and Dobkins K.R. (2004). The invariance of directional tuning with contrast and coherence. Vision Res, 44(9), 903-13. | Reprint 342KB pdf |
Dobkins K.R., Fine I., Hsueh A.C. and Vitten C. (2004). Pattern motion integration in infants. J Vis, 4(3), 144-55. | Reprint 1.01MB pdf |
Fine I., Wade A.R., Brewer A.A., May M.G., Goodman D.F., Boynton G.M., Wandell B.A. and MacLeod D.I. (2003). Long-term deprivation affects visual perception and cortex. Nat Neurosci, 6(9), 915-6. | Reprint 378KB pdf |
Fine I., MacLeod D.I. and Boynton G.M. (2003). Surface segmentation based on the luminance and color statistics of natural scenes. J Opt Soc Am A Opt Image Sci Vis, 20(7), 1283-91. | Reprint 462KB pdf |
Fine I., Smallman H.S., Doyle P. and MacLeod D.I. (2002). Visual function before and after the removal of bilateral congenital cataracts in adulthood. Vision Res, 42(2), 191-210. | Reprint 1.08MB pdf |
Fine I. and Jacobs R.A. (2002). Comparing perceptual learning tasks: a review. J Vis, 2(2), 190-203. | Reprint 1.03MB pdf |
Finney E.M., Fine I. and Dobkins K.R. (2001). Visual stimuli activate auditory cortex in the deaf. Nat Neurosci, 4(12), 1171-3. | Reprint 454KB pdf |
Fine I. and Jacobs R.A. (2000). Perceptual learning for a pattern discrimination task. Vision Res, 40(23), 3209-30. | Reprint 2.63MB pdf |
Jacobs R.A. and Fine I. (1999). Experience-dependent integration of texture and motion cues to depth. Vision Res, 39(24), 4062-75. | Reprint 318KB pdf |
Fine I. and Jacobs R.A. (1999). Modeling the combination of motion, stereo, and vergence angle cues to visual depth. Neural Comput, 11(6), 1297-330. | Reprint 469KB pdf |
Derrington A.M., Fine I. and Henning G.B. (1993). Errors in direction-of-motion discrimination with dichoptically viewed stimuli. Vision Res, 33(11), 1491-4. | Reprint 626KB pdf |