In the world that we live in, many science books state that 71 percent of the world is covered with water. The problem here is why is there scarcity? The reality of our water content in the world is that only a small portion of it can be readily accessed by people, and this is the problem that we must deal with. Despite the world being abundantly filled with water, we can only utilize a small portion because the water is either contaminated or untreated. This has affected many people’s lives in how they manage their water consumption.
For instance, in India and in the United States, the condition of water has affected both countries in different ways. In India, there is insufficient supply whereas in the United States, the drought has affected the western region. These have transformed the notion of water as being a readily accessible resource to something coveted by the majority. So, the biggest question here is, is water really a right now or can only the rich and the sufficient afford it? Accessibility remains a problem and we should all realize that the problem with lack of access is an inherent issue that must be resolved. After all, without water, there is no life.