the progress of a seed to sprout
Unless you are a gardener it might be hard to image the impact that soil, water, and seeds have on the environment. Seeds could not serve their purpose without the help of soil and water. This trio is the key to the longevity of the human civilization. As a consumer ridden society that is overwhelmed by the need to buy what we need instead the skill of growing our own food, most don’t realize the overall impact of how we are living. I’m not saying we all have to grow, I’m just implying that a majority of us could not survive if we had to reply on sustainable growth. With the United States producing over four times the requirement of food for its population we have failed to see the long term affects. If seeds rely on the quality of soil and the interaction of water in order to germinate and grow into what it is supposed to be, what will happen to ability to grow if all of the remaining soil becomes overworked? Can we still maintain our current way of life.
The same concept can be applied to the domestication of beef and the use of fish farms. In order to keep up with supply and demand we are now relying on the systems of mass production. The more we genetically engineer our food to suit our needs the further we fall from what is natural. Fish farms for example, mass produce fish for human consumption but they lack the ability to monitor the consistency and health of each fish and yet they still all make it into society.
The information the last few weeks really begs the question why the government doesn’t develop new policies in regards to soil development and consumption. Why aren’t we required to be at-least partially self sustaining.
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