2004 Summer Field Studio in China
Quanzhou, Fujian Province

BROCHURES (in Chinese) distributed at
numerous conferences and to agencies, NGOs, universities, and communities in China

Studio Process (brochure front)
Studio Process (brochure back)

Cheng-Nan Project (brochure front)
Cheng-Nan Project (brochure back)

Huo-Ju Project (brochure front)
Huo-Ju Project (brochure back)

Community Planning and Urban Design

POSTERS (in English) presented at the 5th Pacific Rim
Participatory Community Design Conference
September 2-5, 2004, University of Washington, Seattle

Studio Introduction
Studio Implications

Posters by the team working in the Cheng-Nan historic city-center area:
Chengnan Introduction
Getting Started
Understanding the Neighborhood
Workshop Method
Interviews and Findings
Inventing Design Options
Getting to Yes
Chengnan Conclusion

Posters by the team working in the Huo-Ju industrializing urban-edge village:
Huoju Studio Process
Peri-Urban Context
Developmental Context
Migrant Perspectives
Resident Perspectives
Policy Recommendations
Community Activities

For more details on the conference, see