Category Archives: Uncategorized

Trade Wars, Oil, and Better Nutrition for all in the US

Currently, the US has a lot of different ways of getting oil: we are drilling ourselves (mostly by fracking) or we trade from various trade partners throughout the world. I want to highlight one of the main problems we have from getting imported oil from foreign countries. Recently, Trump decided to cease trading for oil from the Middle East due… Read more »

Water Connects Us All – Action Project Analysis

My group’s action project was tabling on Red Square and raising awareness about water usage and water footprint, and specifically the difference between the two. An idea we wanted to highlight through this project was targeting a community similar to us, which is why chose our audience to be people who walk through Red Square. Though we did not have… Read more »

Mo Better Foods

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In the area of West Oakland there is currently only one grocery store for thirty thousand people. Instead of relying on a supermarket to obtain fresh produce the majority of people obtain food from corner stores, liquor stores, and fast food chains. Due to the lack of food readily available for its citizens, West Oakland is considered a food desert…. Read more »

Intentional and Non-Hierarchical Discussions of Food Culture and its Consequences

For our final project, my group chose to focus on soil. Initially, we had planned to organize an after-school event for local elementary students. Quickly we discovered that the process to clear such an event with the district would be lengthy and likely too bureaucratically complex for us to succeed in such a short period of time. Furthermore, the soils… Read more »

Industrial Hemp – what can it do for you?

Our group was on non-food agriculture, focusing on industrial hemp. Of course, the obvious choice for us could’ve been on cannabis, as it has become a larger part of the economy in Washington State and beyond. However, we decided to focus on the legalization of industrial hemp on a federal level for various reasons. Initially, we planned on having educational… Read more »

Industrial Hemp

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Our group chose non-food agriculture as our topic, from there deciding to focus on the legalization of industrial Hemp at the federal level. Initially, our ideas for the project involved educating the public by contacting a variety of political representatives around which to base an informative panel where we would draft a variety of questions that they could then respond… Read more »

Reflections on Group Action

This action project was a learning experience for me and for my group. We began with the intention of affecting direct policy change through legislation aimed at legalizing hemp nationwide, but soon had to redirect our efforts after our first avenue ended up being impractical during the time period we were allocated. We chose hemp legalization as our issue of… Read more »