Action Project Reflection: Movements Group

My action project theme was on Movements and we decided to focus on Workers’ Rights in the global food system. Our initial idea was to interview people in a variety of roles in the food system and to compile the interviews into a minidocumentary to showcase the experience of workers in this sector. However, this idea did not quite come… Read more »

Non – Food Agriculture: Hemp as a Sustainable Resource

Non-food agriculture is an important part of our world food system that can easily be overlooked due to the sheer nature of the topic, however, some products currently have or have the potential to create a large impact on the food system as a whole. Hemp is a versatile resource that is currently prohibited for industrialized growth in the United… Read more »

Trade War Project

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  For our group action project in terms of new skills I have learned that having a means of communication through text messages is the best way rather than using internet messaging platform. Having been an RSO’s President for the past four years, I am well experienced in terms of putting up and event and knowing the logistics of promoting… Read more »

Reevaluating the Current Food System

For my action project, I wanted to focus on food waste; more specifically, the equity and structural aspects behind food waste. The group I joined formed an organization called The Waste Busters; where we collected food surpluses from local (chain) restaurants, to donate them to organizations in need and ultimately diminish food waste within our food system. Our organization focused… Read more »

Food Conscientiousness Can Reduce Food Waste

Food waste is an on-going affair that plagues all parties involved with the food system in either a direct or in-direct manner. My group’s interest in food waste arose when we heard the stat that 15% reduction in food waste could feed 25 million more Americans each year. To put that into another context, that means that food insecurity in… Read more »

Collective Action is Hard!

Source: tresyk – Flickr Collective action is hard! That is the main takeaway from my group project. We choose to screen a movie in order to bring awareness of unfair trade practices. We could never find times to meet as we were all busy college students who had jobs. That inhibited creating a healthy group mind. For example, Iris and… Read more »

What does Immigration have to do with Food Security?

I’ve always considered Immigrant rights and food security as two separate issues but after this project, I came to realize that the two are intertwined. At first, my group set out to examine food sovereignty in the US and our local UW community. We found a connection between immigrant farmworkers and their contribution to our own food supply.  A report… Read more »