Facing Food Waste

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For the action project, my group focused on the issue of food waste. We set up interviews with representatives who all had different roles in the food system. We interviewed professor Karen Litfin, professor Sally Brown from the ESRM department, a representative from HFS Athletes dining, a representative from the UW farm, and a representative from Imperfect Produce. We asked… Read more »

Action takes a lot of thought

Food insecurity touches so many other issues that are both region specific, and global. It exacerbates immigration conflicts, worker’s rights, land disputes, environmental degradation, refugee crisis’s, gender issues, trade, and global security. Our group chose to tie food insecurity to local immigration issues. Immigration is obviously a highly political issue right now because of the administration’s brutal policies, and Washington… Read more »

Local Solutions to Food Waste

My group’s action project on food waste ended up (after a bit of re-calibrating) being the creation of a website to spread awareness of how much food goes to waste, and the effects of this waste. We also focused on a few groups that are doing their part in reducing food waste – Imperfect Produce, and UW Campus Sustainability funded… Read more »

Imperfect Produce in Action

What is food and how is it part of a larger system? This is the question that we have been learning about all quarter long and what my action project group decided to explore through food waste. Before I took on this project food as waste was merely the cuisine that I was unable to finish at the dinner table. I had… Read more »

Food Waste: Uneaten Matters

Throughout this course, I have learned so much about how the food system correlates and intersects with politics and overall it was super interesting to learn about. Through my group’s action project on food waste, I have learned that the U.S “wastes, or loses, anywhere between 33 and 50% of all food that is produced annually (Carolan, 126). This is… Read more »

The Meat Up

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This group project was definitely a roller coaster just as others have probably said but through out the experience I feel that I learned quite a lot. Our group focused on why sustainable farming and a reductionist take on meat should be used to end industrial farming for good. We had some setbacks through out this journey and I think… Read more »


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Stormwater, man, watch out. In Seattle it rains aaaall the time. When it does, all the gunk, oil, trash, toxins, and nasty stuff gets picked up by the rain and carried into the sewer system. Really old sewer systems, like Seattle’s, send rainwater to the same place as sewage. That means that when it rains a ton, it overflows the… Read more »

Music For World Hunger

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Hunger has been a prevalent topic in this course.  Over the last 10 weeks we’ve seen plenty of examples of how hunger effects people across the world (The hungry planet, Kenyan farmers eating grasshoppers in off seasons, King Corn, etc.)  World hunger is a big problem and initially our group wasn’t sure how the 6 of us were supposed to… Read more »

How Much Action Did The Project Get?

The group action project was a test in our ability to wrangle our ambitions to convey the relationship between food and public health into a tangible event. One could say we were successful in so far as we put together an event. One could also say we were unsuccessful in fulfilling a larger purpose with our project, as was my… Read more »