The Answer was in the Action

Every student in college has experienced some sort of group project where one person feels like they are doing most of the work, or simply experienced not the best group dynamics. Learning to be part of a group is a lesson in itself and teaches much more than the content of the project sometimes. Sometimes we get super lucky and… Read more »

Partnership through systems thinking: taking sustainable action

What initially drew our group together was our shared passion for ending local food insecurity and world hunger. World hunger is often an issue that is made to feel distant from our reality as university students, but as a group we realize that food insecurity is an acute and visible issue in the Seattle area, influenced by increasing wealth and… Read more »

Bridging the Gap Between Food Waste and Security

Although hunger is often characterized through media to exist solely in developing nations, food security is an issue that plagues varying parts of the modern world, including King County and the University District. The idea of hunger is no stranger to the US, as an estimated 41 million people suffer from food insecure issues, 13 million of that being children…. Read more »

Taking Action Against Food Insecurity

Food insecurity is an issue that plagues most of the impoverished people of the world today (HDCs included). Due to this, I decided to join with 4 other individuals in combating food insecurity. The main objectives of our group were simple: find stores or restaurants which would normally throw away extra food, and use that food to create a shared… Read more »

Is the Water Crisis Really Beyond Our Bubble?

Growing up, I’ve always viewed the water crisis as something I shouldn’t concern myself over because it wasn’t an immediate problem in my life (as terrible and self-centered as that sounds). I have to admit that it really wasn’t until this group action project that I saw the detrimental impact that losing out on one crucial necessity for survival had… Read more »

Are We Underestimating Food Waste ?

“In the US, 40% of food produced goes to waste” ( Is the food waste crisis underestimating? My group was eager to investigate food waste issues on campus, particularly UW dining, Starbuck and UW Sustainability. Hence, we started to interview experts in the field to clearly understand what the University of Washington has done in responsibility for food waste issues…. Read more »

Trade Wars, Oil, and Better Nutrition for all in the US

Currently, the US has a lot of different ways of getting oil: we are drilling ourselves (mostly by fracking) or we trade from various trade partners throughout the world. I want to highlight one of the main problems we have from getting imported oil from foreign countries. Recently, Trump decided to cease trading for oil from the Middle East due… Read more »

Collective Action: It’s not easy, but it is rewarding.

As we progressed throughout the quarter, I knew that the Action Project was going to challenge me in ways that I’ve never been challenged in my academic career at UW that’s already spanned three years. For one, this was my first group project that essentially spanned over an entire quarter. As such, the number one takeaway I ended up having… Read more »

Trade Wars

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I’ve always had a political and economic emphasis when it comes to how I analyze course material. With that being said, I knew that addressing trade for my group project would be useful in examining how political economy relates to food and the environment. As a result, I was excited to find a group of peers with a similar sort… Read more »