Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Meat Up

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This group project was definitely a roller coaster just as others have probably said but through out the experience I feel that I learned quite a lot. Our group focused on why sustainable farming and a reductionist take on meat should be used to end industrial farming for good. We had some setbacks through out this journey and I think… Read more »


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Stormwater, man, watch out. In Seattle it rains aaaall the time. When it does, all the gunk, oil, trash, toxins, and nasty stuff gets picked up by the rain and carried into the sewer system. Really old sewer systems, like Seattle’s, send rainwater to the same place as sewage. That means that when it rains a ton, it overflows the… Read more »

How Much Action Did The Project Get?

The group action project was a test in our ability to wrangle our ambitions to convey the relationship between food and public health into a tangible event. One could say we were successful in so far as we put together an event. One could also say we were unsuccessful in fulfilling a larger purpose with our project, as was my… Read more »

Action Project Reflection: Movements Group

My action project theme was on Movements and we decided to focus on Workers’ Rights in the global food system. Our initial idea was to interview people in a variety of roles in the food system and to compile the interviews into a minidocumentary to showcase the experience of workers in this sector. However, this idea did not quite come… Read more »

Trade War Project

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  For our group action project in terms of new skills I have learned that having a means of communication through text messages is the best way rather than using internet messaging platform. Having been an RSO’s President for the past four years, I am well experienced in terms of putting up and event and knowing the logistics of promoting… Read more »

What does Immigration have to do with Food Security?

I’ve always considered Immigrant rights and food security as two separate issues but after this project, I came to realize that the two are intertwined. At first, my group set out to examine food sovereignty in the US and our local UW community. We found a connection between immigrant farmworkers and their contribution to our own food supply.  A report… Read more »

Partnership through systems thinking: taking sustainable action

What initially drew our group together was our shared passion for ending local food insecurity and world hunger. World hunger is often an issue that is made to feel distant from our reality as university students, but as a group we realize that food insecurity is an acute and visible issue in the Seattle area, influenced by increasing wealth and… Read more »

Bridging the Gap Between Food Waste and Security

Although hunger is often characterized through media to exist solely in developing nations, food security is an issue that plagues varying parts of the modern world, including King County and the University District. The idea of hunger is no stranger to the US, as an estimated 41 million people suffer from food insecure issues, 13 million of that being children…. Read more »

Are We Underestimating Food Waste ?

“In the US, 40% of food produced goes to waste” ( Is the food waste crisis underestimating? My group was eager to investigate food waste issues on campus, particularly UW dining, Starbuck and UW Sustainability. Hence, we started to interview experts in the field to clearly understand what the University of Washington has done in responsibility for food waste issues…. Read more »