The power of education and starting conversations

Up until this quarter, I had never taken a class that forced students to step outside of the classroom to complete an action project instead of simply writing about it. Many times, we are tasked with finding possible solutions that addresses one of the many problems that are occurring within our community. Yet, the reality is that implementing these solutions… Read more »

Water: The Essence of Life

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Water is literally the essence of life. It is the most important substance on earth for us humans as our body needs the nourishment to function. Despite such importance, we rarely pay attention to it until our body starts to show signs of dehydration—the feeling of thirst.  The intake of water is essential on a regular basis, but we usually take… Read more »

Wasteland: Apples in the context of a linear model of industrial production

(see for image cred) For our project, we chose the topic of food waste, and in particular apples in the Seattle area. We made a children’s game inspired by Candyland that showed the (linear) path an apple makes as it is grown, shipped, stocked, and eventually eaten by consumers. We called it “Wasteland.” It is mostly geared toward waste on… Read more »

Farm Adventure

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The culminating action project was essentially another novel experience of this class. I have participated a lot in community organizing because I started a club this fall focusing on indigenous rights and watershed protection. We have been working with different clubs and organizations around the area and I have gotten a taste for the bullshit that is community organizing. It’s… Read more »

Water Connects Us All – Action Project Analysis

My group’s action project was tabling on Red Square and raising awareness about water usage and water footprint, and specifically the difference between the two. An idea we wanted to highlight through this project was targeting a community similar to us, which is why chose our audience to be people who walk through Red Square. Though we did not have… Read more »

Food Waste, lets fix this!

Our action project consisted of making a website that is informative of what food waste is, facts about food waste, how we can make personal improvement to help this matter, and actions that we can take to make this issue more aware to the public and larger community. Our group thought that taking the informative and educational approach to this… Read more »

Mo Better Foods

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In the area of West Oakland there is currently only one grocery store for thirty thousand people. Instead of relying on a supermarket to obtain fresh produce the majority of people obtain food from corner stores, liquor stores, and fast food chains. Due to the lack of food readily available for its citizens, West Oakland is considered a food desert…. Read more »

Starting Conversations About Food Deserts With DumDums

Group projects are typically a source of anxiety and apathy in the minds of college students. However, the idea that our group project had the potential to make an impact on the students at UW, the community in Seattle, and discuss the political implications of a global problem was enough. We faced a series of roadblocks, yet we were able… Read more »

Clean Water Accessibility. Fix One Factor, Fix It All

Water, one of the most common element on earth, and cover 70.8% of the earth’s surface is an important resource for the survival of all lives, including humans, and it is also the most important component of living organisms. In other words, we as human cannot leave without water. With that amount, water should not be a problem to every… Read more »