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 Professor Deborah Maranville
Room 247, William H. Gates Hall, (206) 543-3434

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Law A502, Fall-Winter 2004
Civil Procedure I


From the Prof

Law school exams typically look quite different than undergraduate exams. Law school exams vary, but they tend to involve some combination of (1) reading a fact pattern and identifying the potential legal issues that are raised ("issue spotting"); (2) analysis in syllogism form, setting out the applicable rules and applying them to the facts (IRAC) that requires you to memorize or quickly retrieve relevant rules and (3) identifying ambiguities in the law or in the facts to make legal arguments. Thus, organizing and learning large bodies of legal rules is a prerequisite to doing well on an exam, but it is only the first step. The second step is apply the rules. It's often very useful to practice the application aspect of exam taking by doing old exams. To assist you with that, this page contains old exams from my last two civil procedure classes.

Fall '04 Exam

Practice Exam - December 2004

For the Optional Class on Exam Taking on Friday, December 3, please read the following Practice Exam. If you have time to "take the exam", do so. Otherwise, please identify the major issues and subissues that you would want to discuss in your answer.
Practice Exam

Advice for Answering Policy Question

Fall Quarter Exams

Winter Quarter Exams